42 Tips For First Time Flyers With Anxiety

If you're a first-time flyer and you suffer from anxiety, the idea of boarding a plane can be daunting. Whether it's a fear of flying, being in tight spaces, or the unknown, there are ways to help alleviate the stress and make your flight experience more enjoyable. 

In this article, we will discuss tips for first-time flyers with anxiety that will help you feel more at ease and confident during your flight.

42 Tips For First Time Flyers With Anxiety

Here are 42 tips for first-time flyers with anxiety:

  • Plan ahead and research the flight and airline: This can help you prepare for the trip and know what to expect.
  • Book a seat that feels comfortable for you, such as by a window or aisle: Choosing a seat that you prefer can help reduce anxiety.
  • Arrive early to the airport to reduce stress: This will give you more time to get through security and find your gate.
  • Check in online to avoid waiting in long lines: This can save time and reduce stress.
  • Pack light to reduce the amount of things you need to carry: This can make traveling easier and less stressful.
  • Bring comfort items, such as a pillow or blanket: Having familiar items can help you feel more at ease.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes: This can help you feel relaxed during the flight.
  • Bring snacks and water: This can help you stay hydrated and nourished during the flight.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: These substances can make anxiety worse.
  • Listen to calming music: This can help you relax and feel more comfortable.
  • Use noise-cancelling headphones: This can help block out any loud noises that might make you feel anxious.
  • Pack distraction items, such as a book or puzzle: These can help take your mind off of flying.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises: This can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Consider aromatherapy, such as using essential oils: Certain scents can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
  • Use a weighted blanket or vest: The pressure can have a calming effect.
  • Take a warm bath or shower before the flight: This can help you feel relaxed.
  • Use a meditation or mindfulness app: These can help you stay calm and focused during the flight.
  • Bring a stress ball or fidget toy: These can provide a tactile distraction during the flight.
  • Talk to your doctor about medication options: Your doctor may be able to prescribe medication to help you manage anxiety during the flight.
  • Consider therapy or counseling to address anxiety: Working with a mental health professional can help you learn coping strategies and manage anxiety.
  • Talk to the airline about your anxiety: They may be able to provide additional support or accommodations.
  • Book a direct flight: This can reduce stress and anxiety caused by layovers and transfers.
  • Research the airport layout beforehand: Knowing where you need to go can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Familiarize yourself with the safety features of the airplane: Knowing what to expect can help you feel more in control.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help: Airline staff are there to assist you if you need it.
  • Use guided imagery: This can help you visualize a calming scene during the flight.
  • Practice progressive muscle relaxation: This involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to promote relaxation.
  • Use positive self-talk: This can help you stay calm and focused during the flight.
  • Bring a travel companion for support: Having someone with you can provide emotional support and reduce anxiety.
  • Avoid reading or watching news that may cause anxiety before the flight: This can help you stay calm and relaxed.
  • Use a relaxation app or podcast: These can provide guided relaxation exercises during the flight.
  • Bring a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings: This can help you process your emotions and reduce anxiety.
  • Consider hypnotherapy to manage anxiety: This involves inducing a state of relaxation through suggestion and visualization.
  • Use visualization techniques: This involves imagining a calming scene or scenario.
  • Bring a favorite toy or stuffed animal: This can provide comfort and a sense of familiarity during the flight.
  • Keep yourself busy with in-flight entertainment: Many airlines offer movies, TV shows, and games to distract you during the flight.
  • Try to sleep during the flight: Resting can help reduce anxiety and make the flight go by faster.
  • Practice visualization techniques: This involves picturing a calming scenario, such as a peaceful beach or a favorite vacation spot.
  • Stay hydrated during the flight: Drinking water can help you feel more comfortable and less anxious.
  • Use acupressure points to reduce anxiety: Applying pressure to certain points on the body can help promote relaxation.
  • Talk to a mental health professional before the flight: They may be able to offer additional coping strategies and support.
  • Remember that anxiety is normal: Many people experience anxiety during air travel, and it's okay to feel nervous or anxious.

By following these tips, you can help manage anxiety during your first flight and make the experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Remember to prioritize self-care and take things one step at a time, and you'll be able to overcome any fears or anxieties related to air travel.

What To Take To Calm Nerves When Flying

If you're looking for ways to calm your nerves when flying, there are several things you can take with you on the flight:

  • Medication: Speak with your doctor or mental health professional about the possibility of taking medication to manage anxiety during air travel.

  • Essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, can have calming effects. You can bring a small bottle of essential oil or a roll-on applicator with you on the flight.

  • Comfort items: Bring items that provide comfort and a sense of familiarity, such as a favorite blanket or pillow.

  • Headphones and music: Listening to music or calming sounds can help distract you and promote relaxation.

  • Reading materials: Bring a book, magazine, or other reading material to take your mind off of the flight.

  • Stress balls or fidget toys: These can provide a physical outlet for anxiety and help you feel more grounded.

  • Water and healthy snacks: Staying hydrated and nourished can help you feel more comfortable and less anxious.

Remember, everyone's needs and preferences are different, so it's important to find what works best for you. Try different techniques and strategies to manage anxiety during air travel, and don't be afraid to seek support from a mental health professional if needed.


Flying can be a stressful experience, especially for first-time flyers with anxiety. By understanding your anxiety, preparing in advance, arriving early, practicing breathing techniques, staying comfortable, distracting yourself, using visualizations, and asking for help, you can alleviate your anxiety and make your flight experience more enjoyable.


Is It Normal To Feel Anxious Before A Flight?
Yes, it's normal to feel anxious before a flight, especially if you're a first-time flyer or have had a negative experience in the past.

Can Flight Anxiety Be Cured?
While it may not be possible to completely cure flight anxiety, it is treatable and manageable. There are various strategies and techniques that can help reduce anxiety related to air travel, such as practicing relaxation exercises, seeking support from a mental health professional, and utilizing distractions during the flight. 

It's important to address any underlying fears or concerns and work on developing coping mechanisms to manage anxiety during air travel. With time and practice, it's possible to overcome flight anxiety and feel more comfortable and confident when flying.

How Can I Prepare For A Flight If I Have Anxiety?
Prepare in advance by researching the airline, booking your seat, making a checklist, and arriving early. Also, practice breathing techniques and bring distractions like books or headphones.

Can I Bring Medication On A Flight?
Yes, you can bring medication on a flight. Just make sure to check the airline's policies regarding medication and bring any necessary documentation or prescriptions.

What Should I Do If I Feel Anxious During The Flight?
If you feel anxious during the flight, try practicing breathing techniques, distracting yourself with a book or movie, or visualizing a calming scene. You can also ask for assistance from airline staff if needed.

Should I Talk To My Doctor About My Anxiety Before Flying?
If you have a history of anxiety or have concerns about flying, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. They may be able to provide medication or other techniques to help manage your anxiety during the flight.