What To Wear Indoor Rock Climbing? (Complete Guide)

Climbing is a physical activity and sport that involves ascending natural or artificial surfaces, such as rocks, mountains, or indoor climbing walls, using hands, feet, and specialized equipment.

What is Indoor Climbing?

Indoor climbing, also known as gym climbing, is a form of climbing that takes place on artificial climbing walls in an indoor setting. Climbing gyms typically offer a variety of routes and levels of difficulty, catering to climbers of different skill levels and preferences. 

Indoor climbing involves using specialized equipment, such as climbing shoes, harnesses, ropes, and carabiners, to ascend the walls and complete the routes. Indoor climbing can be enjoyed as a recreational activity or as a training ground for outdoor climbing

It provides a safe and controlled environment for climbers to learn and practice climbing skills, improve their fitness and technique, and socialize with other climbers.

What To Wear Indoor Rock Climbing

When it comes to indoor rock climbing, it's important to wear clothing that is comfortable, allows for ease of movement, and provides adequate coverage and protection. Here are some recommendations for what to wear when indoor rock climbing:

  • Climbing Shoes: A pair of well-fitted, specialized climbing shoes that offer good grip and support is essential for indoor climbing.

  • Climbing Harness: A harness is required for safety reasons and should fit snugly but comfortably around the waist and legs.

  • Clothing: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Avoid baggy clothing that can get caught on equipment or restrict movement. Leggings or shorts with knee pads are also a popular option.

  • Chalk Bag: A chalk bag is used to keep your hands dry and provide a better grip. It is typically worn on a belt around the waist or attached to the harness.

  • Accessories: Consider wearing a helmet, particularly for beginners or if climbing at a higher difficulty level. Avoid wearing jewelry or accessories that could get caught on equipment or pose a safety hazard.

Remember to check with the specific gym or facility for any specific dress codes or regulations they may have in place.

Indoor Climbing Tips & Techniques

These indoor climbing tips and techniques to help you improve your skills and get the most out of your climbing experience:

  • Warm-up: Start with some light stretching and warm-up exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for climbing.

  • Use Your Legs: Your leg muscles are much stronger than your arm muscles, so use them to push yourself up instead of relying solely on your arms. This will help conserve your energy and prevent fatigue.

  • Climb Efficiently: Plan your route in advance and look for the most efficient and direct path. Use your body weight to your advantage and avoid unnecessary movements that can tire you out.

  • Focus on Your Breathing: Breath deeply and steadily, inhaling as you reach up and exhaling as you push yourself up. This will help you maintain focus and control.

  • Use Proper Technique: Learn and practice proper technique for foot placement, hand position, and body positioning. This will help you conserve energy and climb more efficiently.

  • Rest and Recover: Take breaks as needed and rest between climbs to avoid overexertion and injury. Allow your muscles time to recover before attempting more challenging climbs.

  • Challenge Yourself: Gradually increase the difficulty level of your climbs as you improve your skills. This will help you stay motivated and engaged in the sport.

Remember, indoor climbing is a physical activity that requires skill, technique, and safety awareness. Always climb with a partner or under the supervision of a qualified instructor, and follow all safety guidelines and rules at your gym or climbing facility.

What Are The Types Of Indoor Climbing?

There are several types of indoor climbing that are commonly practiced in climbing gyms and facilities. Here are some of the most popular types of indoor climbing:

  • Bouldering: Bouldering is a type of climbing that is done without ropes or harnesses on shorter walls, typically up to 20 feet in height. Bouldering routes are marked with colored tape or hold, and climbers work to complete the route using technique and strength.

  • Top-Rope Climbing: Top-rope climbing involves a rope that runs from the climber, up and over an anchor at the top of the wall, and back down to the belayer. The climber is attached to the rope with a harness and climbs while the belayer takes up the slack in the rope, providing a safety net in case of a fall.

  • Lead Climbing: Lead climbing involves a climber who ascends the wall while clipping the rope to anchors as they go. The rope is not already anchored to the top of the wall, but instead, the climber carries it with them and attaches it to pre-set clips or bolts.

  • Speed Climbing: Speed climbing involves climbing up a set route as quickly as possible, either using a top-rope or lead climbing technique. It is a competitive discipline that is gaining popularity in the climbing world.

  • Competition Climbing: Competition climbing is a sport in which climbers compete against each other to complete specific routes or climb the highest distance within a set time limit. There are several disciplines within competition climbing, including bouldering, lead climbing, and speed climbing.

Each type of indoor climbing offers its own unique challenges and rewards, and climbers often enjoy practicing a variety of styles to improve their overall skills and fitness.

The Best Indoor Rock Climbing Places In Usa

There are many great indoor rock climbing gyms and facilities in the United States. Here are some of the best indoor rock climbing places in the US:

  • Brooklyn Boulders - New York, NY: This expansive climbing gym offers a variety of climbing options, including top rope, lead, and bouldering. They also have fitness classes and a yoga studio.

  • Momentum Indoor Climbing - Salt Lake City, UT: This facility features over 20,000 square feet of climbing space, including bouldering, lead climbing, and top-rope options. They also have a training area and fitness classes.

  • Sender One Climbing - Los Angeles, CA: This climbing gym features over 25,000 square feet of climbing space, including lead climbing, top rope, and bouldering. They also have yoga and fitness classes.

  • Earth Treks Climbing - Columbia, MD: This facility features over 45,000 square feet of climbing space, including bouldering, top rope, and lead climbing. They also have a training area and yoga classes.

  • Vertical World - Seattle, WA: This climbing gym is the largest in the Pacific Northwest and offers over 24,000 square feet of climbing space, including bouldering, lead climbing, and top-rope options.

  • Central Rock Gym - Watertown, MA: This climbing gym features over 28,000 square feet of climbing space, including bouldering, top rope, and lead climbing. They also have fitness classes and a yoga studio.

  • The Spot - Boulder, CO: This bouldering-only facility offers over 15,000 square feet of climbing space and a variety of routes for climbers of all levels.

These are just a few of the many great indoor rock climbing places in the US. There are many more to explore, each with its own unique features and offerings.


At What Age Should Kids Start Rock Climbing?

The appropriate age for kids to start rock climbing depends on several factors, including their physical development, maturity, and interest in the sport

As a general guideline, most climbing gyms and organizations recommend that children start climbing between the ages of 5 and 7, although some facilities offer programs for younger children as well.

Can I Rock Climb Without Shoes?

It is possible to rock climb without shoes, but it is not recommended. Climbing shoes are designed specifically for rock climbing and provide several benefits that can enhance your climbing experience and help you climb more safely.

Is Rock Climbing Good For Children?

Rock climbing can be a great activity for children, providing a range of physical and mental benefits. However, it's important to ensure that children climb under the supervision of qualified instructors, and follow safety guidelines and rules at the climbing gym or facility.

Is Indoor Rock Climbing Expensive?

The cost of indoor rock climbing can vary depending on a number of factors, including the location, the type of climbing gym or facility, and the equipment rental fees. Generally speaking, indoor rock climbing can be more expensive than some other forms of exercise or recreation, but it is still accessible to many people.